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Partner with us in connecting people to Christ

ALL IN is a generosity initiative to fund the two-year ministry plan of our church while making room for one more by beginning to build a larger Worship Center and renovate existing spaces. We are challenging every person who calls Northridge home to make a two-year sacrificial commitment to fully engage in God’s plan for our church.

ALL IN is a “one fund” initiative, meaning ALL of our general fund giving goes toward both components of ALL IN over the next two years. It’s all one mission, so it’s all one budget. Through a “one fund’ initiative, we will more successfully invite everyone to increase their levels of generosity. One Mission, One Fund, for everyone!


At Northridge, we believe we are blessed to be a blessing and that tithing is an important part of worship.

Easy Ways to give

Giving Area

We have a secure, easy to use giving kiosk located in the lobby outside the worship center. You can use your Pushpay account at this location.

You can also give using one of the giving envelopes located in the worship center on Sundays. Check or cash is accepted.
