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Group Questions – April 21, 2024


  • (Icebreaker)Divide into two teams and choose some representatives to have a thumb war. See how easy it was to create division?! 
  • What kind of arguments or disagreements do you see most often between churches today? Is it wrong that we want to worship with like-minded people in a way that fits our preferences? When does our commitment to a church or denomination become a problem?  
  • In Mark 9:40, Jesus said, “Whoever is not against us is for us.” In what ways might you accidentally be promoting disunity with other Christians? Are you caught up in arguments that are not about the “main thing”?  
  • Read John 17:20-23. How does Jesus equip us to be unified with other believers? How can we actively exemplify that unity? 
  • What are some things our church and others in our community are getting right when it comes to unity? How can we multiply those efforts?