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Sunday, December 31
No Services

As usual, we will not be hosting services on our property on the last Sunday of the year (December 31), so that we can give our staff and volunteers a weekend to rest, recover, and worship at home after a busy Christmas run.

But just because we aren’t worshipping in the building, that doesn’t mean we skip our Sunday worship altogether! Here are some resources for you and your family to use as you worship at home. The Lord meets us right where we are!

2024 With God

Have you ever had one of those lightbulb moments?  A moment where everything seemed to make sense?  I remember one of my professors pointing out something that transformed my thinking about my relationship with God, and it was about the simple word “with.” Matthew 19:26 reads, “With man this [i.e. a rich person entering the Kingdom of God] is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

We are easily distracted by the words possible and impossible, or we focus on the differences between mankind and God. In our own lives, we focus on doing things “for God” or even “because the Bible says,” but that phrase “with God” is what really changes everything for us!  When things feel too difficult, or even look impossible—whether it’s entering the Kingdom of God, making our budget work, or trying to resolve a personal conflict—“with God” might be just what we need the most.

There is something transformative about the truth of God with.  Having just come out of the Christmas season, we are reminded that Jesus is called Emmanuel, “God is with us.”  Jesus reassured His disciples by reminding them that He would be with them until the end of the age. We are encouraged not to be afraid because God is with us. It’s fundamental to our understanding of God that He is omnipresent, in all places at all times. He is with us when we rejoice and when we grieve. He is with us through the valley of the shadow of death. Wherever we go and whatever we may do, God is with us. And impossible becomes unexpectedly more possible when God is with us.

But the power of with is not simply in remembering that He is present for us, but in us becoming increasingly present to Him. It’s an act of intention and will. We consciously choose to walk with Him. We specifically decide to be with Him. We go to work and school with God. We go to the doctor or the hospital with God. We drive to church with God. We watch Netflix with God. We balance our budget with God.

It’s just simple truth that God is with us. It’s an act of will and faith for us to be with Him.

This year, as you go about your everyday life, I pray you remember the one who is with you in every season, in every moment, and may you choose to be present with Him as well–it will transform the way you see and interact with Him.  Let us do life with God in 2024. 

Devotion Questions:

  • How does it change your view of God to know that He doesn’t necessarily want you to do things for Him, but with Him?  Why is that distinction important for you?

  • Looking at this next year, how can you be more intentional in being with God?  What areas of your life do you need to invite Him into this year?

Happy New Year From Your Northridge Family!